Star group win ‘best development of the year’ at the 2023 landlord investment show
On Wednesday 22 November, property companies from across the UK came together at London’s De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms for the industry’s prestigious Landlord Investment Show (LIS) awards.
Despite fierce competition from several worthy co-nominees, Star Property Group took the coveted Best Development of the Year prize, thanks to their stunning wedding, events and hotel venue Alfriston Gardens, located in the beautiful Sussex countryside.
Alfriston gardens: The award-winning new venue for weddings, events and short stays
Alfriston Gardens wowed the LIS judges with its modern, lavish, yet environmentally conscious design, set within the South Downs National Park and home to the work of RHS Chelsea Flower show Gold Medal winner, Juliet Sargent.
Star Property’s stunning venue seats up to 155 guests for a wedding ceremony or daytime event, and up to 200 for an evening reception, with exclusive-use accommodation for up to 55 people. For events indoors and out, every last detail is considered and catered for at Alfriston Gardens, and surrounded by scenery that is unmatched in the UK.
Anyone interested in making their special day even better, looking to book an event, or simply enjoy a weekend away from it all, should contact the team at Alfriston on
For further information, please visit the Alfriston website: or follow Alfriston on Instagram (@alfriston.gardens).